How does one contract shingles? Shingles, caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox, is an extremely painful condition characterized by painful blisters that erupt on one side of the face. A case of shingles is contagious, so it can spread from person to person by direct skin contact, sharing eating utensils or other personal things. But shingles isn’t transmitted by air or water either. You can develop blisters in other parts of your body, like the hands or feet, and transfer the infection to your patient.
Shingles primarily affects people who have had previous exposure to the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), a virus that is most common in elderly adults. The virus that causes chickenpox can also affect healthy adults. The symptoms associated with shingles tend to occur most often in late summer or early fall. They tend to flare up after the end of the first week. Generally, the first symptoms don’t show any signs of having occurred until the second week. The disease typically comes out of hiding after about the third week of exposure.
Like many other types of skin diseases, shingling is caused by a virus that attacks the nerves. It does this through a specific protein called vermicelli virus. Although there are other types of proteins that cause similar rashes, the vermicelli-zoster virus is the primary culprit in causing these painful symptoms. There are several types of symptoms that are commonly associated with shingles, including:
The symptoms described here are the result of an outbreak rather than the progression of a disease. As it progresses from mild to severe, the symptoms may become more severe. However, there are certain types of this disease that may not cause symptoms until much later, for example, when the disease has reached its late stages.
There are three main groups of shingles, namely, acute, sub-acute and chronic. Acute shingles tend to be the most common. It develops when the virus invades and attacks the nerve cells in your body. Once this occurs, the nerves go into a protective shock and cannot function properly. As the virus invades and destroys these nerves, it releases certain types of proteins that can appear in various forms ranging from rashes to fluid-filled blisters.
As the virus invades and attacks these nerves, symptoms will likely develop. These can include fever, rash, pain and discomfort in the area of contact, as well as itching, dark pigmentation around the area and muscle weakness. If you develop these symptoms, it is important to contact your doctor immediately so appropriate treatment can be given.
Sub-acute shingles are generally less severe than acute infections. They tend to occur after a person has been in contact with the virus for a longer period of time. Symptoms tend to disappear on their own but you should visit your doctor if these do not improve over time. Since this is a long term infection, it is important to avoid any other activity that may cause contact with the virus.
The last group, chronic shingles, tends to be the most serious because they affect your immune system, which makes you much more susceptible to other infections. This includes anything that affects the nervous system, such as diseases, medications, or illnesses. If you have been exposed to the virus, the best thing you can do is get treatment right away to prevent permanent damage to your body.
How does one contract shingles? You are more likely to get the virus if you have recently had another infection. It is possible to get the virus if you have been in contact with an outbreak of shingles. Shingles tend to appear on people who have recovered from an illness or injury that caused the blisters. You are also more likely to develop shingles if you have a weakened immune system, such as those who have undergone chemotherapy.
If you think you have contracted shingles, your doctor will perform a test called a viral skin test to look for signs of the virus. You will likely be tested for the strain of the virus that you have contracted. Then a treatment plan will be designed just for you. Since shingles can affect a woman’s reproductive organs, it is especially important for expecting mothers or those who have recently given birth to be vigilant. It’s crucial for pregnant women and new mothers to avoid getting this condition as much as possible, considering the unique risks it poses during and after pregnancy. If you are planning to get pregnant, discussing this condition with your doctor is vital; he may advise you to wait to conceive until your body has recovered from the virus and you are healthier, underscoring the significance of prompt and appropriate care in such scenarios.
How does one contract shingles? If you are healthy, you will not develop this condition. However, the risk is great for people who are unhealthy. The best way to avoid contracting this condition is to avoid being in close contact with people who are sick, and to protect yourself by wearing gloves when performing activities such as cleaning or gardening.